The Entrepreneurship House-ESSAT

الجـمـهـوريـة الجـزائـريـة الديـمـقـراطـيــة الشـعـبـيــة

وزارة التعليـم العالـي والبحـث العلمـي

المـدرسـة العليـا في العلوم التطبيقيــة   تلمسان

Entrepreneurship at ESSA-Tlemcen

Actions completed and action plan 2019

L’ESSA-Tlemcen’s house of expertise had put in place an action plan for the 2018-2019 academic year.

  1. The Awareness Session
  2. TRIE Training (Finding Your Business Idea)
  3. Training CREATE (Create your business)

From mission to strategy

After its transformation into a higher school, ESSA-Tlemcen attaches great importance to entrepreneurship because it is convinced that entrepreneurship can be a possible professional future for its engineering students after obtaining their engineering diploma. In order to provide itself with the means to succeed in instilling entrepreneurial values in its students, the school has included a major component dedicated to this purpose in its school project.

ESSAT, from mission to entrepreneurship strategy

ESSAT’s beginnings in entrepreneurship began with small steps.

  1. Entreperenership Day

The first event was organized as a day during Global Entrepreneurship Week on November 12, 2016. This event, organized by a committee composed of teachers from the school and the Techsquad school science club, brought together conferences and witnesses to inform and sensitize students to the entrepreneurial spirit.

Conference Themes

  • A conference given by Mrs. Elyasmine KADAOUI-ELAÏDI on the importance that the school attaches to entrepreneurship and its relationship to engineering sciences;
  • A conference on the role of the House of Entrepreneurship at Abu Berk Belkaid University, led by its director on that date Mr Abdellatif BAGHLI;
  • A conference on the Bureau de Liaison Entreprise-Univearsité (BLEU), led by its coordinator Mr. Riad Amazigh DIB.


In order to popularize entrepreneurship and make the school’s students accept the idea that it is accessible to all and that it can be an opportunity for a professional future after obtaining their engineering degree, were invited:

  • Mr. Samir BOUABDELLAH, an engineer from the University of Tlemcen. He exposed the beginnings of his adventure in entrepreneurship to be manager of a strat-up in Switzerland in the production of Drones.
  • Iktashif, a group of students from the University of Tlemcen who had created their company, speaks through the company program of the Injaz Eldjazaïr competition and won the 1st prize for innovative products.

The event received the encouragement and support of Director Pr. Cherki and the guests: the Rector of the University of Tlemcen, representatives of ANSEJ, CNAC, ANDI Director as well as our partners from the socio-economic sector.

  1. The installation of the “Entrepreneurship” unit

In September 2017, the new Director General, Mr Bouchrit ROUISSAT, set up the Entrepreneurship Unit composed of permanent teachers at ESSAT: Ms Faiza MIMOUNI, Mr Fouad MALIKI, Mr Fouad BOUKLI, Professor Lotfi Merad, Mr Anis CHIALI and Ms Elyasmine KADAOUI-ELAÏDI, who is in charge. This unit was responsible for raising awareness of entrepreneurship and accompanying the Techsquad science club in order to organize events in this field, which is distinguished to the school’s students.

2. Webdays-Tlemcen and start-ups Week-end

The organization of the Webdays-Tlemcen was the first event in collaboration with the Tlemcen University Network. It has given a boost to our students in their perception of entrepreneurship. This event was organized from 16 to 18 November 2017 on the occasion of World Entrepreneurship Week with its two main themes: “Innovation and Entrepreneurship” is a continuation of Entreperneurship Day, held one year earlier.

The Webdays-Tlemcen were organized in three days: one day in conferences and workshops and then the launch of weekend start-ups: 56 non-stop hours for the 120 participants to lead to a business creation project. Assisted by coaches of different nationalities, the participants formed a group, formulated an idea, studied its feasibility, studied its market, created a 3D simulation of the product and finally, the pich of the final during the closing in the presence of a jury and a very large number of participants from different public institutions and economic operators.


3. Installation of the Entrepreneurship House-ESSAT (M.E)

On 16 December 2017, on the fringes of the first F2E school-business forum, the École Supérieure en Sciences Appliquées de Tlemcen signed four agreements.

The latter contains a clause involving the creation of La Maison de l’Entrepreneuriat within ESSA-Tlemcen. As a result, the Entrepreneurship Unit was converted into an Entrepreneurship Centre in January 2018.

The Entrepreneurship House-ESSAT 


As ESSAT is an engineering school, its Entrepreneurship House’s mission is to offer its engineering students another vision of their professional future. One of the major assets of its students is their training in quality science and technology. In addition to this, ESSAT aims to ensure an entrepreneurial environment that encourages innovation. To do this, the ESSAT Entrepreneurship House has set itself the following missions:

  • Awareness of entrepreneurship from the moment they enter ESSAT, in preparatory training or in the second cycle;
  • The development of the entrepreneurial culture of engineering students;
  • The training of engineering students wishing to engage in entrepreneurship
  • encouraging the entrepreneurial intention of engineering students who have developed an entrepreneurial intention but are still reluctant to start a business;
  • Orientation, listening and support of student-engineers with projects in all stages or actions to create economic activity.

Action Plan 2018-2019

Following the coordination meeting held on Monday 21 May 2018 with the various directors of the entrepreneurship centres of the Tlemcen University Network and the Ansej carded trainers, an action plan for the 2018-2019 academic year was drawn up. The dates that concern our school are as follows:

  1. Awareness session

A first awareness session is scheduled for the 4th week of September. It will affect all students in the school, especially those admitted for preparatory training.

Date: September 27, 2018

2. TRIE Training (Finding your business idea)

It will concern students in the fourth year of secondary school, all specialities combined, who have the idea of a business creation project. It will last (03) days each and will contain between 15 and 30 students each during the 2nd and 3rd week of October:

1st session: from 09 to 11 October 2018

2nd session: from 16 to 18 October

3. Foramtion CRÉE (Create your business)

Students who have followed the TRIE training whose idea (Business Model Caneva) will be considered convincing and feasible by the Ansej management trainers will be admitted to the CRÉE training. This will last for 08 days during the first two weeks of December.

4. Winter University/International Congress

An event is planned during the World Entrepreneurship Week common to all R.U.T. Entrepreneurship Houses either in the form of a winter university that will contain: Living room,

training, workshops and challenges on specific sectors of activity. Or in the form of an international congress to be organized by the House of Entrepreneurship of Abu Bark Bekaid University – Tlemcen.

The Director

Mrs. Elyasmine Kadaoui-Elaïdi